
If I Had $1,000 to Blow: February

Crazy to think we are more than halfway through February!! Today is a day off for many of my friends, so I am trying to be “half working” and “half off” for breakfast, phone calls and Bachelor viewing 🙂

This month, even though there is snow still on the ground (and apparently more coming in just a few hours) I am mentally in spring. Target put out all their spring stuff last week. All the bright colors and floral prints are really getting to me!! You’ll therefore see some items that are definitely not practical to wear yet, but I feel weird looking at winter items when we are all so over it and ready to move on. Plus, the groundhog didn’t see his shadow! An early spring!!

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The 90s trends we began to see last summer will definitely be back in full force this spring! Tie dye, updated *jelly shoes*, high waisted everything, you name it.

See all my picks below!

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