Back to Blogging
Guess who’s back, back again! Hello friends, I’ve missed you on here! With my move and all the red tape surrounding it, plus continuing to grow my agency Curio Five on top of my content creation work, my grand plans for the blog fell to the back burner in 2022. That’s not the case in 2023, though! I know we are three months into it, but getting the blog back up and running was a Q1 goal and I technically hit it!!! Hahaha.
I am so excited to share that my personal style series that has been sitting in drafts since August (I know, I know, I won’t go this long again!) is now ready to be shared with all of you! Though most of the copy was written during my time at home for Christmas, the graphics were a whole other story. As I am sure you know by now if you’re an OG blog reader, I am a bit of a perfectionist. This can hinder my longer form content because I have been known to overanalyze and pick apart my work. (That’s why I love TikTok so much, I can jump on in my glasses and with my retainers in and it’s fine!)
I knew that I wanted to create my own graphics for the color season and body type blog posts to help you digest these giant topics, as visuals were key for me discovering them. I kept editing and editing each round of drafts I’d make, never finding an end result I was happy putting out. My friends were helpful in reminding me that I don’t NEED to have the same infographic quality that online publications with massive graphic design budgets do, and that my Canva graphics were enough to aid in comprehension. That all being said, the first of these will be out shortly, with the rest following in the coming weeks.
I plan on publishing at least one blog post per month going forward, as it really is nice to have a longer-form content hub that I own and can use to talk to you on a deeper level in the age of algorithms and app bans.
Below are some highlights from 2023 so far that you may or may not have seen on my IG – be sure to follow me there if you haven’t already, because I am really excited about the Reels series I have going on right now!!
Family trip to Puerto Vallarta to ring in the new year

Surviving Chicago winter with a Taylor Swift bar and lots of books!

Trip down 55 for 3 family birthdays ft. Mabel trying to get me to play ball as I worked from my mom’s

Apartment updates! and more reading

Escaping the snow for opening night of the Eras Tour in AZ!!!!

2023 has honestly been an incredible year for me so far. I don’t know if I’ve ever been happier or more at peace with who I am and where I am in life. I’m so lucky to have you here with me on this ride… nearly a decade of us growing up together!!!
xo Caitlin