
What I’m Giving Up for Lent

Taking a break from my crazy NYFW to get this post up – sorry for being MIA on the blog! This week has been insane and you’ll see why when my vlog and other coverage goes up. Today is Valentine’s Day as well as Ash Wednesday, the start of Lent. Caitlin and I went all out yesterday on Fat Tuesday, visiting Black Tap and eating shakes with entire cakes in them, but ya girl may go a little crazy with chocolate hearts today still 😉

This Lent, I want to take the 40 days to really get myself back on track and s l o w  d o w n. I move so fast that I think sometimes I don’t put as much time and effort into things as I should, especially when it comes to eating healthy and finding time to work out. SO this Lent I’m giving up half-assing things. I need to be more selective of projects I take on, plans I make and the schedules I set for myself. Doing less, but doing it better, is the goal!

Some specific goals I have for myself this Lent:

  • Keeping better track of what I eat. Not calories! I’ll be tracking carbs, proteins, vitamins, etc. to make sure my body is getting what it needs
  • Working out 3-5 times a week
  • Making a pro/con list before I take on any new projects

What are you giving up this Lenten season?

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