On My Mind

2022 Vision Board

Hello and Happy New Year!

I’m super excited for what’s in store for us this year. My goal for this year is to get one blog post up a week, and actually publish the book posts as I finish them versus keeping them in drafts for eternity! I’ll be focusing my blog on my outfits and clothes I actually wear all the time v. the stylized outfits I’d wear just for an IG pre-COVID, wellness topics, and BOOKS! It makes me so happy to hear that you guys are as excited about the book content as I am about creating it. I read a lot and am horrible about keeping up with GoodReads, so I will be sharing my “monthly reads” on IG as well as publishing individual posts on here.

Long story short: we have come full circle to where my blog is the “side gig” again after my 9-5. My “real job” is now my work with Curio Five for my clients in both affiliate and digital marketing.

I feel really blessed to be in the position I’m in right now, despite the workload. Before COVID even existed, I was in a bad place with creating. It was my full-time job, which in and of itself took some of the fun out of it, but not knowing if the check I was *supposed* to get tomorrow would truly (brands are super inconsistent with payouts), as well as my income depending upon the amount of “likes” I had really was not good for me mentally. The pandemic, and especially this past year, allowed me to take a step back and reassess my thoughts on my blog and personal socials without the pressure of sustaining a full-time income from it.

The funny part is… now that I refocused my blog and socials onto topics I truly care about without feeling the need to post or do campaigns, my analytics are up, and I have signed deals with partners that are super special to me. And now, compared to when I started my blog, I’m my boss, so if I have to take a few hours out of the workday for blog stuff, I can just adjust my schedule and finish up client work at other times.

Here is my 2022 vision board! It means a lot to me, even if the imagery seems vague to someone who doesn’t know more specifics about my personal life.

Career wise, I want to be more meaningful with all aspects of my work. I want to provide value for you all as readers and followers, but also for my customers at Bailuna and my C5 clients.

I want to travel again for fashion weeks and otherwise with my blog now that I am boostered and we see that summertime is a safer time to hop on a plane. I also want to expand my blog and shop in a meaningful way. Bailuna is getting a massive overhaul soon, so if you see something on the current site that you like, act fast before it’s gone and replaced with the new!

I have learned the lesson of “failing fast” in lots of aspects of my work life over the years, but this shop has tested me in so many new ways. I’m proud of myself for seeing what was working v. what wasn’t with it and not falling into an ego trap, allowing me to pivot the business plan to something that’s more ethically aligned with my values of sustainability but also not promoting buying beyond one’s means. I am excited for you to see what’s next with the shop!

For this blog, I want to continue to be intentional with what I share. Wellness will be a bigger vertical this year, in addition to sharing my favorite things through my Gold Star series, just as I share links and pictures with my close friends and family.

If you haven’t made a vision board yet, it isn’t too late! I did mine through Canva and it was super easy.

See you next week for our first week of regular scheduled programming (and also my first week being over capacity with client billable hours, send prayers!!)

xo Caitlin

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