On My Mind

A Little Life Update

It’s September 12 and I haven’t published a new blog post this entire month!! I’ve missed the blog so much and believe me, the absence was not my choice.

I wanted to give y’all a look into what’s been happening with me over the first half of this month which I hope will help explain the pause in blog posts – but don’t worry, we are back on schedule!

Website Issues

Site speed, cache loading, images in my media folder, backend code… it felt like each day, there was a new issue with my site over Labor Day Weekend. I kept fixing one thing and another would pop up. A great deal of my time the first week of September was spent researching solutions, on the phone with tech support or emailing my theme providers. I didn’t want to publish a new blog post on a site that some of you couldn’t even see, so I decided to hold off until a permanent solution was found. Which brings me to…

New York Fashion Week

I went to NYFW early this year, arriving on September 4. I promised myself I would get a post or two up in the downtime while being there, after receiving confirmation the issues were fixed. Here’s the thing: while my theme provider and I reached a solution and my hosting provider basically fixed the mistakes that had been made halfway through fashion week, I had ZERO down time. My room had no outlets in it. The kitchen and dining only had one outlet which was usually being used by another of my 10 roommates. The living room usually had someone sleeping on the couch and when I would be lucky enough to claim a spot, there would only be 20 minutes before I had to leave for a meeting, show, etc. I was only able to get deals up for 3 of the days I was in New York, and the 2 free hours I had on Sunday were spent writing a sponsored blog post draft and editing the photos for it – all legally due on Monday. Needless to say, it was a mess, and while it was successful for other parts of my business, posting regular blog content was put on the back burner.

Q3 Taxes

As a freelancer, I do not have taxes withheld from paychecks. Therefore, I pay in quarterly estimates to the IRS and the state so that I do not owe a chunk of change come April. Q3 taxes are due next week and calculating my net income and tax payment does take a while. I did a lot of work on this before NYFW and am still finalizing things now. Since it’s legal stuff, this again takes priority.

Security Issues

I’ve been having someone utilize my email on creepy / sketchy websites to sign up for newsletters and services. It’s been an interesting morning as I woke up to even more! I have been in contact with Google and have successfully secured my account but this again was more time I had scheduled to blog things that was spent on more pressing issues.

Going Forward

I will be adjusting my posting schedule from new blog posts MWF (with exception of holidays) to new blog posts MF and a new video, whether on YouTube, IGTV, or elsewhere on W. Taking time off from the blog made me really think about the content I want to be producing, and a lot of it can’t be done on a webpage. Videos are challenging to me but also offer a whole lot of benefits that I think you’ll enjoy. I plan to start off this new schedule next week (9/16) after I pay my Q3 taxes over the weekend and start a clean slate for the remainder of Q4.

Would love any feedback from you on this change or content ideas!


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  1. Your site has indeed been extremely slow to navigate since the design upgrade. I’d appreciate it if you could be more active on YT, I’m still waiting for some fashion content post-Nordstrom anniversary sale. 🙂 Cheers!

    1. I aim to be posting on there weekly starting next week!! site speed is the one issue I am still dealing with but it is being addressed. thanks for minding the dust during the construction 🙂

  2. Love this babe! Don’t feel pressured to always get up new content and don’t feel guilty when life gets in the way. I didn’t get any posts up during NYFW either, and also was feeling guilty about it. Working on realizing that there are only so many hours in the day and we need (especially as freelancers) to not burn ourselves out. Also, love the new posting schedule – I’ve done something similar- cutting down to 2 instead of 3 blog posts a week and then focusing on an IGTV video at some point during the week.

    1. I mainly felt bad that I hadn’t updated anyone on the BTS action and that not even everything is fixed yet! site speed is still an issue I am facing but dealing with rn 🙂

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